Develop green paper industry and create a better life

National Green Factory

2022 Comprehensive Evaluation of Industrial A

Zhejiang Province Green Development Excellent

Zhejiang Province Water Conservation Benchmar

2021 A-class enterprises for comprehensive ev

2021 Green Low Carbon Factory of the Year

Top 50 Industrial Enterprises in Yiwu City in

High-tech enterprises

Top 50 Industrial Enterprises in Yiwu City in

Zhejiang Postdoctoral Workstation in 2019

Top 50 industrial enterprises in Yiwu in 2019

The second prize of the tug-of-war competitio

A class enterprise for comprehensive evaluati

Feng Chaoxing was honored with the title of "

Advanced collective in effective investment w

Excellent enterprise in 2018

Top 50 industrial enterprises in Yiwu in 2018

In 2018, social welfare enterprise welfare st

A class enterprise for the comprehensive eval

The 19th comprehensive tax payer in 2017

Top 50 industrial enterprises in Yiwu in 2017

2017 Executive Director of Yiwu Municipal Tax

Top 50 industrial enterprises in Yiwu in 2016

Zhejiang Patent Demonstration Enterprise

2016 Provincial high-tech Research and develo

2016 Jinhua High-tech Research and Developmen

2016 Jinhua City high-tech enterprises

2016 annual industrial mu yield benefit compr

Jinhua Famous Trademark

Zhejiang Province Industrial Circular Economy

Honest Enterprise

Wenchuan 512 earthquake relief donation chari

2008 annual labor security credit A-level uni

2008 honest private enterprise

2007-2008 tax credit grade AAA

2003 Top 500 Private Member Enterprises of th

Certificate of Science and Technology-based S

Glasin paper" "made in zhejiang" standard lea

The First Yiwu Charity Award

Quality Management System Certificate

Environmental Management System Certificate

Occupational Health and Safety Management Sys

Energy Management System Certification

Certificate of Intellectual Property Manageme

Forest certification

Telephone: +86 579-85775142
Fax: +86 579-85775032
Address:NO.9 Baoguo west road,chian town,yiwu,zhejiang,china